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Dr. Christopher

Ginger Root

Ginger Root

Regular price $25.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $25.50 USD
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A traditional herb for the digestive and circulatory systems. Ginger thins the blood and lowers blood cholesterol. It is known to work to reduce fevers. It can be used to relieve vomiting and to soothe the stomach and spleen in the process. Ginger is a warm vascular stimulant and body cleansing herb and is used in respiratory and lung/chest clearing formulations. It is used as a diaphoretic to encourage sweating helping to remove toxic wastes. It is a kidney stimulant to increase kidney filtration. Helpful in combatting nausea caused by motion sickness. Most helpful used as carminative, regulator of blood cholesterol to improve circulation, first sign of a cold, and for modern women to alleviate menstrual cramps. Beneficial during pregnancy: excellent for morning sickness and rich in minerals.


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