Gwen Foster ND, DNM

Gwen is the owner of NuVision USA, which was founded in 2009. She was involved in the original content development, as well as the current operations and future development. NuVision is a culmination and advancement of technology from software and devices Gwen used prior to 2009. NuVision has current users in North America, Asia, and Europe. NuVision was originally created as a human and animal software matching tool but has since been expanded to be used for business coaching, equine, water, and agriculture.
Gwen is a Hanna Kroeger practitioner, certified Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, Neuro-Linguistic Hypnotherapist, Certified Biofeedback Technician, and Personal Coach. Other modalities include Reiki, Matrix Energetics, SRT, EFT, and ECR. Gwen received her Bachelor of Natural Health Studies with Highest Honors from Clayton College of Natural Health in 2003. She uses NuVision with all clients to help identify blocks and imbalances. Her personal passion is working on underlying emotional conflicts and triggers with the help of Dr. Hamer and Michael Lincoln’s work. Gwen also uses herbs, homeopathy, flower essences, essential oils, and nutrition to help her clients.
Gwen was led to natural medicine because of her prior health issues of asthma, lupus, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia and suffered from allergies, insomnia, acid reflux, and shingles before recovering her health in 2004. She decided to follow Hanna’s advice of “Heal Yourself and then Help Others”. She has taught Hanna’s work and how to use the SCIO, LIFE, and CoRe Inergetix devices to people from all over the world. She has always used Hanna’s teachings as her primary method of helping others.
Gwen earned her Doctor of Natural Medicine (DNM) from the World Organization of Natural Medicine Practitioners in 2008 and became a Certified Alternative Health Practitioner in 2009.
Gwen has an earlier degree in electronics with a natural inclination and extensive knowledge and background with health software systems and devices. Gwen was introduced to the QXCI in 2003 at Hanna’s Peaceful Meadow Retreat and started using devices in conjunction with Hanna’s work to determine underlying causes and solutions for her clients. Other devices she has owned and used in her office include the SCIO, LIFE, CoRe Inergetix, Scenar, Q1000, Medical Thermal Imaging, Rife Technology, PIP photography, BeMer, and Healy. She has also had access to and tested many other systems including ASYRA, NES, EIS, (DDFAO in Europe), Introspect, M.E.A.D, TimeWaver, and other PEMF devices.
Gwen and her Dutch partners had a goal of offering superior health software and NuVision became available to the public in 2010. NuVision resolved issues of older software, especially by offering reproducible client results (which most health software systems listed above can’t do), and added new features (like the ability to scan groups which can be a family, business, or group with common goals), easy to navigate (older systems have unnecessary layers and are cumbersome), customizable (most other health software systems do not allow their users to add their own data for analysis), and easy to interpret (with color and shapes that indicate whether an attribute is chronic or acute, conscious or suppressed).
In 2009, Gwen worked with Hanna’s daughter, Gisela Kroeger Hoffman, to develop the Access Hanna content module for NuVision. NuVision encourages Content Development and relationships with professionals that can share their knowledge within our community. In 2010, Gwen started teaching Hanna’s courses at Peaceful Meadow Retreat with Gisela. Gwen was Director of Peaceful Meadow Retreat during this same period of time. In addition to teaching classes, Gwen works with patients remotely or in person for those in the Houston, Texas area.
To contact Gwen, please email or call 281-236-5453